Friday, September 30, 2011

Friends all over the world :)

Another interesting thing was that since I was on an exchange programme, I got a chance to meet people from different parts of the world. I never expected that I will get a chance to meet such a variety of people from different parts of the world like Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, Cameroon, USA, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Vietnam, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Belgium, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ireland, England, Portugal,  Lithuania etc. 

It was the 26th of August 2010 that I landed in Finland and almost exactly after one year, i.e. on the 25th of August 2011, I reached India. It was a very different experience for me and if someone asks me about my greatest achievement in life till now, I should say undoubtedly that it was "My Trip to Finland".      

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