Monday, November 21, 2011

World Tour ;)

As mentioned in the previous post, my all time favourite wish was to go on a world tour. I think its a very common wish made by everyone. Thus, when I was in Finland, I got a chance to visit some of the other European countries too. They include Estonia, France, Switzerland, Russia and Denmark. I never thought that I will be able to go abroad and visit these places. It was like a dream come true. The visit to Estonia and Russia was by cruise and the others by flight. Eventhough it was a little expensive, my scholarship substituted my expenses. So, I could not save much, although I saved a little.

My first flight

My greatest wish ever was to go on a world trip. I used to think that wish might remain a dream. Since my home is near to Kochi International Airport, I always see aeroplanes flying above my house, every now and then. One day, during my Master's I was standing in the balcony of my home with my Mom and a plane just flew by. I told her that very moment, "When will I have my first flight Amma ? ". And she replied, "Soon baby, very soon". And her words were so true. I got a scholarship to do the second year of my Master's in Finland. For the same I needed visa and it was the Finnish embassy was only there in Delhi, which was around 3000kms from my place. I had no other choice but fly. Otherwise in train it'll take more than 2 days. My aunt (a family friend of ours) was there in Noida. She assured my parents that she'll take care of me once I'm there and she booked the flight ticket with Spicejet, for me. My parents were worried a bit as it was my first flight. But then they came to the airport with me to see me off.
I was really excited to fly. I have heard that taking off and landing are the only things to worry, if there is anything to be worried about. Not like its dangerous but still from the viewpoint of an amateur, just needs to be careful. But I was always carried away by the very exciting and thrilling rides in the amusement parks. So, I saw this also with the same spirit. As the plane took off, with the increasing height, the city was shining with the twinkling, lighted up buildings, as if colourful stars fell from the sky. I flew up and up and up. It was in the evening and when the pilot switched off the seat belt sign, we were at the top, at the normal maximum altitude. I could see the moon and the stars. I was so amazed to see the beautiful dark sky with the shining stars. And I felt as if the moon and me were at the same height from the ground. It seemed like if I get out of the plane at that very moment, I could go and hug the moon. I felt it so wonderful. It was my first and best flight ever. I was taking pictures with my phone every now and then and the people who were seeing me would definitely would have understood that it was my very first flight. I landed in Delhi and my Aunt, Uncle and their son, were waiting for me. They used to stay in Noida which was around one hour by car. We reached their home, had some food and slept. I was telling my parents, when they called and my aunt, very excitedly about my first flying experience. That night I was lying on the bed and was again thinking about the moon, slowly slipping into sleep.  

Friday, September 30, 2011

Friends all over the world :)

Another interesting thing was that since I was on an exchange programme, I got a chance to meet people from different parts of the world. I never expected that I will get a chance to meet such a variety of people from different parts of the world like Italy, Czech Republic, Turkey, Cameroon, USA, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Vietnam, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Belgium, Ethiopia, Egypt, Ireland, England, Portugal,  Lithuania etc. 

It was the 26th of August 2010 that I landed in Finland and almost exactly after one year, i.e. on the 25th of August 2011, I reached India. It was a very different experience for me and if someone asks me about my greatest achievement in life till now, I should say undoubtedly that it was "My Trip to Finland".      

Back to my native

Here I am... back after the expected long break. After one long year in Finland, I am back to my home town in India. It was a marvelous experience to be abroad, especially to be in FINLAND. Finland is the land near the north pole and so most of the time its covered with snow, in a year. I saw snow for the first time in my life. I was overwhelmed to experience the first snow and used to play a lot with it. The temperature shift range in Finland was around 60 degrees. -30 degrees in winter and +30 degrees in summer. And about the Finns, its another big story. I have never met such people in my life before. Even though they are a little bit shy and reserved initially, once befriended, they are the people with most fun. Finns never lie and they are really very helpful. They are not selfish, jealous, self-centered, etc. etc. Finland is the safest place to live in. I was quite fascinated by this interesting country and the people dwelling there.      

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Master's Thesis

Struggling to write my Master's Thesis. I am now making the corrections told to me by my supervisor, Kestas. He is a very good professor. Everybody likes him. And I am very lucky to get him as my supervisor. Till now I have written 46 pages. Have to continue writing.  


I'm very lazy to write. Once or twice or thrice I started writing diary but I quit all the time. I also wrote short stories and poems. But nothing lasted for long. I don't prefer to read as well. As I told, I'm a very lazy person. So, I prefer short stories to novels and movies to TV series. I have no idea how I am going to manage a blog. I was planning to open a blog for a long time but now only the time has come. I hope I won't quit soon or take a long break. But when I write or read I enjoy it. For that particular time period but then laziness creeps my mind. And then everything is gone for a long while. I hope it doesn't happen at least this time. I am looking forward to continue my writing. Let us hope for the very best.  :)